Secure global market access faster with RED CE Marking from EU Notified Body, im体育APP. Our compliance experts guide you through 无线电设备指令 requirements to achieve radio device compliance for CE标志. 与流线型服务结合测试, 认证, 技术文件审批, 您可以信赖我们高效而全面的服务.
适用于所有欧盟成员国, 无线电设备指令, 或红色, 涵盖了欧盟使用的无线设备的标准. 2016年推出,取代R&TTE Directive, it is now the primary legislation for radio transmitting and receiving equipment. You must demonstrate compliance with the RED directive to declare your product for CE标志.
Benefits of using im体育APP's 广播 Equipment Directive (RED) services for CE标志
- 全面合规支持: im体育APP提供全方位的服务, 通过测试确保符合无线电设备指令, 检查, 认证, 以及技术文件审查.
- 获得公告机构服务: 作为欧盟公告机构, 要素提供必要的合格评定程序, simplifying the 认证 process and ensuring products meet essential requirements before market entry.
- 专家指导: im体育APP's experienced experts offer guidance throughout the 认证 process, 促进明智的决策和合规问题的早期解决.
- 更快的上市时间: Pre-compliance services and formal 无线测试 expedite the 认证 process, 允许制造商更快地将产品推向市场, 获得竞争优势. Obtaining CE标志 through im体育APP's RED services enables swift market access across EU member states and EFTA countries, 减少欧洲单一市场内的贸易壁垒.
- 全球市场进入: 除CE标志外, im体育APP为美国等主要市场提供认证服务, 加拿大, 日本, 和韩国, 确保符合全球法规要求
Non-compliance with 无线电设备指令 poses significant risks for you. The consequences can be severe, from product recalls to legal penalties and damage to reputation. Ensuring compliance is essential for safeguarding your brand reputation and mitigating potential risks. 让你安心是我们的首要任务. im体育APP's rigorous testing 和认证 processes minimize the risk of non-compliance. 我们确保您的产品符合RED的所有基本要求, 减少监管问题和相关风险的可能性. 通过与im体育APP合作, 您可以降低遵从性风险, 维护你的声誉, 并自信地维护市场准入.
Navigating the regulatory landscape of 无线电设备指令 (RED) can be overwhelming without expert guidance. im体育APP了解您在解释复杂法规时所面临的挑战. Our team of regulatory experts provides personalized support throughout the 认证 process. 我们还提供咨询服务,以确定适用的指令, 标准, 以及合格程序. 该程序在原型阶段识别并解决问题, 简化最终测试和认证. By leveraging our expertise, you can ensure compliance confidently, saving time and resources.
The 广播 Equipment directive requires a conformity assessment body – or Notified Body – to be involved in the conformity assessment procedure. im体育APP的服务确保满足所有法律要求, 包括测试, 检查, 和认证, before the Declaration of Conformity can be drawn up and the product placed onto the market.
We review your product’s technical documentation and issue an EC-type examination certificate to confirm that the product meets the essential requirements within the scope of the relevant directive.
- 电磁兼容指令
- 医疗器械指令
- 爆炸性环境指令(ATEX)
我们聘请的专家提供预合规服务和正式合规服务 无线测试 to help our customers get to market faster and access all EU member states and 欧洲an Free Trade association (EFTA) countries. 我们的测试服务包括:
- 数字发射机
- 短程设备(SRDs)
- 标签
- 卫星
- 雷达设备
- 陆地移动无线电
除了测试和认证各种标准的新设备, we can help you decide if your existing equipment is compliant to the RED directive, 或者是否需要重新认证.
For those that need guidance on the regulatory requirements for a particular product, we can provide 咨询服务 to support them through the testing and approval of wireless products and components.
- 差距分析
- 测试计划生成
- 培训
- 协助风险评估;
- 标签指导,
- 文档审查,
- 协助技术文件的编写
We provide you with impartial third-party support in all aspects of the CE Marking Directive; from design consultation, 全面的产品安全检测, 技术文件的编写和审核
im体育APP是UKAS认证的ISO/IEC 17025:2017, EMC公告机构 & ATEX指令, 英国无线电设备规例认可机构, EMC法规和潜在爆炸性环境法规, 美国电信认证机构(TCB), a Foreign 认证 Body (FCB) for 加拿大 and a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for 日本, 以及IECEE CB体系下的认证机构.
另外, we offer a comprehensive scope of 认证 services required for global market access including:
- 美国FCC认证
- 加拿大ISED认证
- 日本、韩国MIC认证 以及欧洲的公告机构服务
有关RED指令测试的更多信息,或要求报价, 立即im体育APP.
在im体育APP, we are committed to maintaining the highest 标准 of impartiality and integrity in all our 认证, 测试和咨询活动. 符合ISO/ iec17065要求, we ensure that our 认证 decisions are made independently and without any undue influence from internal or external parties. 我们已经建立了强有力的程序来识别, 管理, and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest to uphold the trust and confidence of our clients and stakeholders.
Our personnel competencies and impartiality policy are embedded in our company culture and supported by comprehensive internal controls and oversight mechanisms. For more information on our impartiality policy and procedures, please contact us.
2022年1月, the EU Commission published Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/30 which relates to Articles 3.3(d), 3.3(e)和3.无线电设备指令(RED)第3(f)条. 这些条款与网络保护有关, 保护用户, 防止欺诈.
Download our free guide to understand the differences between testing and approval of radio modules to meet 无线电设备指令 (RED).
Complementary to our extensive 欧洲an Notified Body f或红色 Directive services, im体育APP offers a wide range of related services to assist you from the initial stages of identifying a suitable compliance strategy through comprehensive testing programs, 认证和协助将您的产品推向全球市场.
im体育APP provides guidance on the relevant regulatory requirements before you reach the testing and approvals stage, 支持您从开始到结束-我们确保您获得第一次成功.
im体育APP works as your Global Market Access service partner to help you navigate complex regulations and get your products to market quickly and efficiently.
im体育APP是帮助电气设备制造商的理想合作伙伴, importers and distributors obtain the fast and efficient product safety testing 和认证 needed to trade their products worldwide.
im体育APP TCB provides FCC 认证 services of your wireless devices for entry into the United States market.
im体育APP FCB provides ISED 认证 services of your wireless devices for the Canadian market.
im体育APP RCB provides MIC 认证 services for your wireless product to enter the 日本 marketplace.